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For children like Melody

Parenting cooperatives

Why the charity confronts corruption of Children's Rights

Bradford, 2006, when my only daughter was four, the maternal half-sister and the mother fractured her skull in an incident witnessed at Wakefield swimming baths, where the half-sister allegedly pushed my daughter head first from the top of a jacuzzi. The mother was a nurse but did not seek medical attention for our daughter’s fractured skull. My daughter disclosed sexual abuse by the maternal family which I reported to her Head Teacher and the school Headmistress several times from March to October 2009. Bradford Social Services did nothing until I captured video evidence and confronted the mother who witnessed the incident. A few days later, early December 2009, the mother phoned the police and had me evicted from our home. I never saw my daughter again

With a few weeks, early January 2010, my daughter was treated for injuries consistent with brutal sodomy, as confirmed in a Report by Dr Wood Paediatrician, at BRI. She wore diapers up to her teenage years. At the Crown Court London, March 2015, Lady Justice Black said, “Despite our best efforts we can find no trace of these Court proceedings”, but read out a statement from the presiding Judge Bartfield. 2017, I exploited my homeless situation, to bring two Social Work managers before another Judge. They admitted on record that Bradford Social Services told them that I was the perpetrator.

Children are being brutally, and savagely assaulted in school, in the streets and 'groomed' by remarkably well-informed gangs

Local, judicial, social, broadcast media and government services, all claim that these children are racists, far right, slags and chavs. 95% of them were in Social Services Care before they were assaulted

Parenting Together is an established, award-winning charity, highly acclaimed and effectively safeguarding children by reviving the ancient ways of living practiced today in the safest regions of Europe

We work with Solicitors and Experts in childrens' safeguarding, behaviour, social and emotional problems to provide the following services

Parenting Together Ltd

Registered as a Social Enterprise
(NPO) reg 06796387

Safeguarding, every child from Domestic Abuse, interracial assault and brutality

We formed a parenting cooperative, 2006, in response to savage bullying and assaults on our schoolchildren. Evidently, Local authorities encourage abuse by providing grooming gangs with private records of fatherless girls
These girls were made fatherless in Courts by Public Officials, including the judiciary, charities and professionals, employed or on contract. Many have personal interests, in such as babies, schoolgirls, young children or shares in Care homes, fostering and adoption companies
We became a Non-Governmental(NGO), Non-Profit Organisation(NPO), 2008, Social Enterprise reg: 6796387

Re-claiming your Parental Authority, responsibility and autonomy

  Logos and images subject to owner ©2024
Parenting Together charity

2012, we established Parenting Together Charity reg: 1149523

Legal services and rolling support for disadvantaged parents with restricted abilities or difficulties

Giving disadvantaged parents the opportunity to present factual and valid evidence in Family Court cases. We prevent Local Authorities selling children abroad, or misplacing them into the arms of unrelated strangers

Can only offer legal advice where there are no other advisors

Emotional and family Stability 4 Children

Parenting Cooperatives are the only solution

Collaboration between parents, a secret clan of neighbours, friends and family protecting local children

Parenting Cooperative explained on YouTube

Safer Parent for safer communities

Safer parenting for safer communities

An association of community and non-profit organisations, providing a variety of services and support to prevent bullying, reduce crime and establish our proven effective, protocol for protecting young children

Emotional and family Stability 4 Children

Emotional and family stability for children

An established association of Law firms and other regulated professionals, offering limited amounts of their time for parents at risk of losing their children unlawfully, through Social Services or Family Court proceedings

Can only offer legal advice where there are no other advisors

Expert Witness Reports and professional services for the wellbeing and protection of children

Expert Witness Reports, Social Care Reviews and family related professional services

An established service provider to Solicitors, and others involved in legal matters concerning family and children

Offering limited pro bono work, training and guidance to support our service users

Can only offer legal advice where there are no other advisors

Parenting Together SME Award

Most Dedicated Social Services & Family Court Support Organisation 2024

Parenting Together Ltd provides services to help resolve family disputes in the quickest possible time and at the minimum cost, with low-income concessions and monthly subscription options available to those in need. We find out more about the organisation and its operational model from Gerald Hannah as it celebrates a win in the UK Enterprise Awards 2024

Parenting Together Ltd is a non-profit social enterprise company based in Bradford which was established as a registered charity in 2012. The organisation’s expertise lies in safeguarding vulnerable children and young people, dealing with parental alienation and addressing emotional stability. It specialises in assisting limited-ability parents and low-income families who have children involved in family court and social care proceedings to prepare for court hearings, sort their most significant evidence, and to write clear testimonies and court appeals

“We strive to ensure that parents can access community and professional support, training, reports, and assessments to help them challenge injustice in the family courts and social care proceedings,” explains Gerald Hannah, the Founder and Director of Parenting Together. “There is no political will in the UK to keep children at home with their natural family despite the unequivocal evidence since 2005 showing the vast majority of crime and social problems stem from broken homes. Fortunately, we interact with professions and commerce who donate their time in a way that is mutually beneficial so that our charity is now self-sustainable.” Gerald has decades of work experience within the industry, caring for young offenders, behavioural and emotionally affected problem children, victims and, uniquely, their perpetrators of assault and abuse

The organisation has already seen highlights over the last decade, including seeing a reduction in bullying and assault of children under its care, and winning awards for research and recognition from the Joint Committee on Human Rights in a 2015 report into violent crimes against women and girls. Gerald is keen to roll the organisation’s operational model out across the UK and has plans of expansion too. When onboarding new staff members however, there are certain criteria that need to be met, but the rewards can be great as training is offered for those who wish to progress. “Integrity and compassion are the main things we look for,” he elaborates. “For our staff, we can provide solicitor training and paralegal courses. As a charity, we can work as legal advisors without portfolio which makes us accountable to several statutory authorities including the SRA, who also offer training as well.”

Recently, Parenting Together gained notable recognition in the UK Enterprise Awards for its leading work in child protection, scooping the coveted title of Most Dedicated Social Services & Family Court Support Organisation 2024. As the future beckons, growth is obviously on the cards for the organisation, however Gerald’s aim is also to educate the population. “We have PCD accreditation to deliver parenting courses for existing parents and young people who will be the parents of the next generation,” he enthuses. “Family and country are everyone’s main source of pride and joy, and at Parenting Together, we aim to inspire young people, engaging them with positive role models from the business community; hopefully raising their ambitions and dreams to become loving, devoted, responsible parents. “I want young people to know that a good parent earns and deserves respect. They are instinctively protectors, providers, and achievers, not necessarily paragons of virtue.”

Contact Details
Contact: Gerald Hannah
Company: Parenting Together Limited
Web Address: